Tuesday, 11 November 2008

After many failed attempts...

with a title like that i'm guessing you thought i'd have got this video sorted.

but no. WMM, as usual, is being very prickish... so this 2nd video is taking longer than i expected. in other words, i've been working on this since... thursday maybe? and am still left with the first 10 seconds of video, how disappointing. so i've made a backup plan... in the form of Roxio... hopefully it might work. (yn)

sometimes makes you wonder why you bother. lol.

ohh and i've decided i'm going to attempt sitting on the Donkster once the doctors say i can put weight on my leg... not that they will know this, but still. he's been a prat with everyone else... so i'll lunge him for ages first, get some energy out of him lol.

anyway, yeah. video will, fingers crossed, be here soon! x

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